Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Knesset Urged to Act Against Leftist Attorney General

כ״ב לחודש השישי תשע״ד

Arutz 7: Knesset Urged to Act Against Leftist AG
Yedidya Ben-Or, Ari Yashar, September 16, 2014

The Knesset has come under fire for its silence in the wake of an unprecedented court ruling last Wednesday by Judge Nava Bechor of the Kfar Saba Magistrates Court, in which she criticized Attorney General Shai Nitzan for his "scandalous" bias against the political right.

Bechor accepted in full the evidence presented by Attorney Adi Kedar of the Honenu legal rights aid organization, which showed that Nitzan, in Bechor's words, conducted an automatic selective enforcement of incitement laws.

The judge took Nitzan to task for letting leftists and Arabs off the hook for outrageous calls such as "death to the Jews" and "castrate the settlers," based on evidence from the years between 2008 and 2011 during his time as Deputy Secretary General.

Following the ground-breaking judgement, Honenu turned to numerous MKs with a request to take steps against Nitzan's crackdown on the right.

"After an exhausting case the court ruled clearly: Shai Nitzan and the State Attorney are negatively discriminating against the Jewish public," wrote Honenu director Shmuel (Zangi) Meidad in the letter.

Meidad elaborated on the meaning of the ruling, saying that "in essence, they (Nitzan and the State Attorney) are automatically cooperation with the enemy."

"Attorney Adi Kedar of the Honenu organization, who received important materials from Hani Luz of the Tadmit organization and from the Legal Forum, has already proved (the case), and the court has already seen it and ruled. So what else is needed?" Meidad asked the MKs.

"From here on starts your obligation to work as representatives of the public," wrote Meidad in a call to action. "We demand in the name of the many injured parties we have and are treating that you not wait any longer."

The evidence was presented in the trial of Uri Baram, who published videos against Nitzan. Bechor convicted him of inciting to racism and violence, destroying evidence and disrupting court procedures; it should be noted that Baram argued his provocative videos against Nitzan were meant "to expose the discrimination that Nitzan has in investigating complaints over incitement."

Meidad called on the MKs to "shake the state of Israel, so that it first of all immediately drops the charges against Uri Baram, and so that it starts investing its resources - our resources - in fighting the enemy and not in fighting us and itself. What is this silence?"

Sun Lion:
It seems that since the Treif Bird is officially unofficial, a lot of people have found the courage to speak up. Furthermore, a few thousand "Peace Presents" from Gaza also help to wake people up.

The vast majority of the nation has always been against the Oslo treason and the Sharon Pogrom. Time after time they have tried to elect people to stop the madness and time after time they have been betrayed by the servants of foreign money.

It seems that the latest flair up in the war to exterminate us was a turning point for the Jewish People, both in Israel and outside of Israel. We saw clearly that we have no one to rely upon other than G-D and ourselves. We also seemed to have realized that there are serious and dangerous enemies in our midst. Enemies that can no longer be ignored or tolerated.

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